Bm C# Bm D Dsus4 D Dmaj7
YBmou love the Hell out of meA
And HGeaven's where we could bD/F#e Em
IEm've stood on the edge of love
But neDver took the lBmeapF#sus4 F#
BmAnd you took my armor off A
And dGid it delicatelD/F#y Em
AEmnd I let my guard down
To sDhow you what's undeF#rneath
TGhank God that you were man enough to come
AnEmswer my mama's prayers
YoGu asked the question, I said, "Yes"
But I'm scarAed
'Cause I've nDever worn whiF#mte
But I wannBma get it rightG
Yeah, I reDally wanna F#mtry with yoBmu A
No, I've Dnever worn whitF#me
But I'm stBmandin' here tonighGt
'Cause I realDly wanna F#msay "I dBmo"
I Bmdo
SeBme us in sixty yearAs witGh a full family treD/F#e (I Emdo)
GEmive my blood, sweat, and tears to reacDh our destinyF#sus4 (I do) F# Bm
'CBmause love is a minefielAd, let's tGake this war, babyD/ F# (I dEmo)
'EmCause at the end of it all, I Dchoose you and you choF#ose me (I do)
ThGank God I was woman enough to come
EmAnswer your father's prayers
GYou asked the question
IG could tell you were scaAred
'Cause I've nDever worn whiF#mte
But I wannBma get it rightG
Yeah, I reDally wanna F#mtry with yoBmu A
No, I've Dnever worn whitF#me
But I'm stBmandin' here tonighGt
'Cause I realDly wanna F#msay "I dBmo" A
Now let's daGnce with each other (Dance with each other)
Mixing aD/F#ll of our colors
It's so eEmasy to surrender
When you fiAsus4nally find forAever
NDo, I've nevD/F#er worn white, Bmno G
But I rDeally wanna F#mtry with yBmou
BmYeaAh, I've nDever worn whiteF#m
But I wanBmna get it riGght
'Cause I reDally wanna saF#my "I dBmo"
'CaAuse I DdoF#m Bm
OGh, I Ddo, yeF#mah, yeaBmh
IA doD F#m Bm G D Dmaj7 D