Artisto: | JFGC Songs (English) |
Uzanto: | Ella Kim |
Daŭro: | 130 sekundoj |
Komenca paŭzo: | 12 sekundoj |
Tononoma sistemo: | Bazvalorа |
Sakra: | |
Komentoj pri tabulaturo: | - |
TEMPO: 138 - 144
Eb - Bb/Eb Ab/Eb | - - - Bb/Eb | - - - Ab/Eb|
- Eb - - |
Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb
Have you heard the sto-ry,
Eb Bb/Eb Ab/ Eb Eb
the Christ is fin - ally here;
Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb Bb/Eb
He's at the edge of the ci - ty, let's run,
Db Ab Bb
I've just got to be near Him
Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb
All the peo - ple are shout-ing,
Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb
they've come just to see their King,
Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb Bb/Eb
tell the daugh - ter of Zi - on, re - joice (rejoice)
Db Ab Bb
for we've been redeemed...
Cm F/A Eb/Bb Ab Bb
He is riding vic-to-rious like the pro-phets fortold,
Cm Am7(b5) Eb/Bb Bb/Ab
visions are glo - rious, we mus bow down be-fore Him,
Eb/G Ab Am7(b5) Eb/Bb
lay our hearts and souls be-fore Him, Lord of all
(Lord of all)
Ab/Eb Eb Bb/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Bb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san- na, see Him ride in majesty
Ab Eb Bb/D G/B Ab Bb Eb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san - na, Lord of all e-ter-ni-ty
Ab/Eb Eb Bb/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Bb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san- na, raise your hands in victory
Ab Eb Bb/D G/B Ab Bb Eb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san- na, He's come to set His people free
- - Bb/Eb Ab |
Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb
Behold your sal-va-tion,
Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb
He comes to the wil-ling hearts
Bb/Eb Ab/Eb
Blessed ov-er all na-tions,
Eb Bb/Eb Db Ab Bb
His love will never depart....
Cm F/A Eb/Bb Ab
Now He's reigning vic-to-rious, for-ev-er He is Lord
Eb/G Ab Bb
(He is Lord)
Cm Am7(b5) Eb/Bb Bb/Ab
Christ has de - li - vered us, we must fall down be-fore Him
Eb/G Ab Am7(b5) Eb/Bb
lay our hearts and souls before Him, Lord of all
(Lord of all)
Ab/Eb Eb Bb/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Bb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san- na, see Him ride in majesty
Ab Eb Bb/D G/B Ab Bb Eb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san - na, Lord of all e-ter-ni-ty
Ab/Eb Eb Bb/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Bb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san- na, raise your hands in victory
Ab Eb Bb/D G/B Ab Bb Eb
Ho- san- na, Ho- san- na, He's come to set His people free
He's come to set His people free
He's come to set His people free!.....